Johnson College Architectural Drafting and Design Technology students from the class of 2013 came together to design the new facade of a building on Scranton’s Courthouse Square. The Lackawanna Blind Association’s headquarters needed a facelift and asked for designs to be submitted. “The Board was delighted with the designs the Johnson College students submitted,” said Karl F. Pfeiffenberger, Board Chairman of the Lackawanna Blind Association. Mr. Pfeiffenberger is also a 1987 Johnson College Alumnus and helped create the partnership. He adds, “The project gives the Lackawanna Blind Association building prominence among the improved structures on the court house square.”
Johnson College Architectural Drafting and Design Technology Department Chairperson John DeAngelis explained how the project came together. “The students each created their own design first and submitted them to the association. They came back with what they liked best from each design and we then created one final design using pieces of each one. It was a real team effort.” The Lackawanna Blind Association finished the work over the summer. Alumni from the Class of 2013 came back to see the finished work this past week. “It’s great to see the final project,” says Brittany Hancock ’13.
Johnson College does one drafting project each school year for a community organization. The class of 2014 is currently working on the new redesign for a small public park on Hill Street in Jessup. Mr. DeAngelis adds, “It’s moving to see us improve the look of the neighborhoods that we live in one project at a time.”