Radiologic Technology Program Receives Reaccreditation from JRCERT

(Left to Right) Barbara Byrne, Interim Program Director of Radiologic Technology; Dr. Ann L. Pipinski, President & CEO; Joan Bonczek, Sr. Director of Academics; and Katie Pittelli, Executive Vice President.

The Radiologic Technology program at Johnson College has received reaccreditation from The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). This reaccreditation is subsequent to a site visit in September 2015 and will be for a duration of eight years which is the maximum time awarded by JRCERT.

Joan Bonczek, Senior Director of Academics said “JRCERT reaccreditation is to be the gold standard of educational excellence in the imaging services and we are proud to represent our successful program.”

In a letter to Dr. Ann L. Pipinski, Deborah Gay Utz, Chair of JRCERT stated “The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology Directors and staff congratulate you and the program faculty for achieving the maximum award of accreditation from the JRCERT and wish you continuing success in your efforts to provide a quality educational program.”

Johnson College’s two-year associate of science program prepares students for careers in Radiologic Technology.  Radiologic Technologists, better known as Radiographers, are the medical professionals who perform diagnostic medical imaging examinations, including X-rays.  It is an exciting and rewarding profession, combining science, art, and technology within the medical field.  Radiographers are skilled professionals able to work in hospitals, medical service centers, and outpatient imaging centers.