Support Our Students,
Support Our Students,
For over 112 years, Johnson College has been dedicated to and known for providing its students with an innovative, hands-on, industry-immersed education. Now, as part of the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program in Pennsylvania, we invite you to partner with us by shifting some of your company’s PA tax dollars to education.
PA tax law allows qualifying businesses to apply their PA corporate taxes to support various Johnson College educational programs.
May 15:
July 1:
Ready to make an impact? Contact our College Advancement Office at 570-702-8920 or to learn more about supporting Johnson College through the EITC program.
Business owners, managers and CEOs should coordinate with their tax preparers to launch this easy process. Additional information is available on the EITC webpage on the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development website. Click here.
When an EITC contribution is received by Johnson College, a receipt letter of acknowledgement is sent to the donating company to submit to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to receive tax credit.
To download a PDF of our EITC Brochure, click here.