Support Our Students,
Support Our Students,
The technical standards listed below are intended to inform students of the skills, abilities, and behavioral expectations required in this program. These technical standards reflect performance abilities and characteristics that are necessary to successfully complete the requirements of the Building and Property Maintenance program at Johnson College. These standards are not conditions of admission to the program, but persons interested in applying for admission to the program should review this list to develop a better understanding of the skills, abilities, and behavioral expectations necessary to successfully complete the program.
Johnson College is committed to helping students with disabilities complete their program of study by reasonable means or accommodations. Reasonable accommodations are services provided to individuals with disabilities that remove or lessen the effect of the disability-related barrier. Individuals without documented disabilities are not eligible for accommodations.
Prospective (interested) students with disabilities, in accordance with Johnson College policy, and as defined by section 504 of 1973 Vocational Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1993, who may seek accommodations in order to meet the technical standards are encouraged to contact Counseling and Disability Services to discuss what reasonable accommodations, if any, the College could make in order for the perspective student to meet the standards. A student with a disability who requests accommodations will be required to submit this request in writing and provide pertinent supporting documentation in accordance with Johnson College policies. Perspective students are not required to disclose any information regarding technical standards to the Enrollment Department.