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The Johnson College Innovation at Work Strategic Plan 2021-2026 was born during a time of great disruption. The global COVID-19 pandemic forced senior leadership and stakeholders to adopt new and different communication channels and re-envision the operating model to ensure stability for students during such an unstable time. Creating a collaborative and inclusive environment in a virtual setting proved challenging, yet the committee members and College stakeholders rose to the challenge to accomplish the task.
The strategic plan was also developed during the midst of momentous institutional change, with the change in institutional accreditation from the national Accrediting Commission of Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) to institutional accreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). Historically, the road to MSCHE accreditation began with The Johnson College Board Directives: A Roadmap for the Future issued by the Board of Directors in the summer of 2013, which lead to the achievement of MSCHE candidacy status.
The Vision 2020 (2017-2021) Strategic Plan led the College through the self-study phase and to final grant of accreditation.
The Innovation at Work Strategic Plan incorporates the findings of the self-study process, feedback from the MSCHE visiting team, and areas identified for growth and improvement through environmental scanning. It was born in an environment of disruption, one that exposed the potential for previously discarded notions of what a technical school could be. Through innovative ideas and technology, the world can now become our campus, and the Innovation at Work strategic plan reflects the possibilities which are limited only by our imagination.