Johnson College Receives $250,000 from the City of Scranton

Recently Mayor Paige Gebhardt Cognetti, Mayor of the City of Scranton, joined Dr. Katie Pittelli, President & CEO of Johnson College, to announce that the City of Scranton’s Office of Economic and Community Development awarded Johnson College a $250,000 grant to improve Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance across the College campus. 

Improving Johnson College’s ADA compliance will increase accessibility for faculty, staff, visitors, and, most of all, students, as the College strives to be inclusive to all. The funds will be used to install automatic door openers, access ramps, and ADA-compliant restroom improvements to President’s Hall and the Lemon Street Continuing Education Lab.

This grant was made possible through the Federal Community Development Block Grant Program and the Housing and Urban Development Administration.

Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act requires public accommodations to provide goods and services to people with disabilities on an equal basis with the rest of the general public. The goal is to afford every individual the opportunity to benefit from Johnson College and to afford Johnson College the opportunity to benefit from all students, faculty, staff and visitors to our campus. Last year, 12.5% of students attending Johnson College registered disabilities with the College. The campus use is increasing with space being used for community events, continuing education activities, community sporting events, and scouting. It is our desire to increase community use of the Johnson College campus and make our facilities accessible to all who visit.

All new college buildings have been designed and constructed to be ADA compliant. Some of the initial retrofitting work to existing campus structures has already been accomplished through a City of Scranton Community Development Block Grant several years ago. As guidelines and campus use have evolved, it is prudent to engage a firm experienced in ADA compliance audits to perform a system-wide survey of the Johnson College campus/facilities and make recommendations for improvements to bring us into full ADA compliance.