Mission Statement:
The Office of the Registrar provides professional, courteous service to the campus community in fulfilling core responsibilities of course scheduling and registration, graduation, degree audit, reinforcing academic policy, and maintaining the integrity, accuracy, and privacy of the official student record in compliance to federal law.
What We Do:
The Office of the Registrar is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the academic records for each current and former student in compliance with the Federal Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA).
We handle:
- Maintenance of student data and records
- Enrollment/Degree Verification
- Class registration and enrollment
- Class schedules
- Grade reports
- Transcripts
PLEASE NOTE: The Office of the Registrar no longer provides verifications by phone. You can obtain verifications at www.degreeverify.org.

Course Offerings
Hours, Location, and Contact Information:
The Office of the Registrar is located in Ideal Saldi Hall on the campus of Johnson College, 3427 N. Main Avenue, Scranton, PA 18508. Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during the academic year.
Contact Information:
Phone: 570-702-8990
Email: registrar@johnson.edu
Students are encouraged to access the Johnson College Student Handbook for information on particular policies related to grades, class attendance, academic integrity, etc.
2024-25 College Catalog
Catalog Archive
Student Handbook
- Approval for Off-Campus Study
- Automobile Registration
- Challenge Exam Request Form
- Change of Contact Information
- Drop Course Request Form
- Enrollment Verification
- Non-Matriculating Application
- Prior Learning Assessment Approval
- Technology Users Responsibility Agreement
- Johnson College Official Withdrawal
- Leave of Absence Form
Credit for Workforce Training
Click here to view the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Annual Notification.
We refer all students with an international transcript to complete the review process with World Education Services (WES).
Follow the steps below to complete your WES application:
Incoming Freshmen and English Language Institute Participants:
Select U.S. for your evaluation.
Add Johnson College as a recipient.
Select the WES Basic Document-by-Document evaluation type.
Students with Transfer Credit (Including A-Levels) and Graduate Students:
Select U.S. for your evaluation.
Add Johnson College as a recipient.
Select the WES Basic Course-by-Course evaluation type.