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Ranked as one of the Top 10 Trade Schools in the Nation, by Forbes (2018), Johnson College is a great fit for those who want to get to work quickly. We pride ourselves on offering an education routed in hands-on learning and a curriculum formed with industry. Our student body is made of up of transfer students, second career adults, those continuing their education or adding credentials, and those joining us straight out of the high school.
Johnson College is NOT a community college; we are a “ready to get to work” college. Our graduates make up the essential workforces that drive our economy and fuel in-demand roles.
We offer on-site live labs at our Industry Partners locations, providing real-world experience (even during the pandemic). We help you hone your skills so that you can hit the ground running, right after graduation.
A college education in an investment in yourself and your future earning potential. A two- year Johnson College degree allows you to enter the workforce quickly and start making money. This is why we’re ranked highest among local colleges in terms of the ‘Return On Your Investment’ in Georgetown University Center on Education and Workforce’s latest Ranking 4,500 Colleges by ROI Report. With the ability to begin your in-demand career in the field of your choice right after graduation, you can begin to pay off your student loans faster than students who pursue the four-year college route.
In addition to the hands-on experience you gain, upon graduation you will receive an associate degree in your field which will propel you into the workforces immediately or allow you to see higher education. We also offer certificate programs that can be taken independently of an associate degree.
Our instructors have been there, they have worked in the field and know firsthand the types of problems you may encounter on the job. They will help you work through hurdles in a classroom. so that you are prepared and confident to tackle the job that you begin after graduation. Johnson College is respected throughout our region for producing exceptional employees.