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In case you haven’t heard, Johnson College has been recognized by Forbes!

Johnson College has joined the rankings of premiere technical education by being ranked #10 on Forbes Top 25 Two-Year Trade Schools. Of 700 schools considered, Johnson College was recognized as one of the most prominent when it comes to “high-earning alumni, stand-out graduation and retention rates, and respectable debt repayment scores,” according to Forbes. The list of schools highlights industry that seeks a skilled workforce, education that is affordable and accessible. The list was based on IPEDS, College Score Card, and Pay Scale data. The methodology of the list is guided by the question, “What should a high school senior be looking for in higher education?” and according to Forbes, it is “a gateway to a great career.”

For more information about the designation, please click here.

To celebrate this great occasion, we are inviting students, alumni, faculty, staff, and community friends to purchase limited edition apparel! To purchase, please click the image below!


Logistics Grad Goes Above and Beyond at Neiman Marcus Group

Like so many people, Austin Caramanno, ’17, did not end up where he thought he would when he started his college career. The Mid-Valley High school graduate and Olyphant native originally attended a small college just outside of Philadelphia and planned on getting his degree in Graphic Design. However, the promise of hard work with only a slight chance of finding success in his career was not enough to satisfy him. “I would work hard and might get somewhere, but, for me, it was go big or go home. So, I decided it was time to go back home.”

While back home, he decided to do some research on opportunities in the trades. “I knew I was looking for something that would work for me in the future but would be fun to learn in the process,” he says. “I wanted to do something completely new and Logistics kept popping up as something in the trades for those who were less inclined to do something like fixing cars.” The option of majoring in logistics and supply chain management and the culture at Johnson College was just what Austin was looking for. “It didn’t click [at his previous school], but everything at Johnson felt natural. Everyone was so personable.”

Caramanno graduated from Johnson College in 2017 with a degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. He started working at the Neiman Marcus Distribution Center in Pittston in 2015 as a shipping assistant and was quickly promoted to Human Resources Assistant in 2016. By November 2017, he was promoted to his current position of Shipping Supervisor where he now manages those he used to work with as a Shipping Assistant. Caramanno was also a recipient of the Neiman Marcus Group Best award in 2017 because he consistently went above and beyond in his work and he displayed the company’s core values of being “memorable, trustworthy, and bold.”

As a Shipping Supervisor, in addition to making sure that merchandise gets to the stores in a timely fashion and managing nine other employees, Austin now oversees security protocols and the quality of the high end merchandise that goes into Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman stores across the country.  His job has given him the opportunity to handle dresses that can cost more than $6,000 and other merchandise being sent to celebrities in the fashion and music industries. All of this is a far cry from what he thought he would be doing while working in graphic design.

He credits much of his success in his position to the leadership skills and professionalism he learned while at Johnson College. “It’s funny because students complained all the time about writing papers but, I have to submit a ‘Goals and Objectives’ report often so, learning those skills really helps,” he says. “The technical skills you learn and your demeanor will help you move past just being an entry level employee. Things like group projects, which seem silly at the time, help you because when working- you don’t get to pick your group and you have to make do.”

Austin also gives credit to his instructors who made sure he not only learned the theory behind business management but, took the time to make sure he truly understood the real world application. “[The instructors] were very helpful because they were people directly from the field.  A book tells you one thing but you have to adapt to real life situations. They helped you learn that,” Austin recalled. He also mentioned that Laura Little, the Business Management Department Chair, pushed him to be the best that he could be- “She put in the time to give me the best education she could, so I wanted to take the time to be good at what I was doing.”

When asked what advice he would give current Johnson College students, he says “Things don’t come to you. You have to go after them. An opportunity may fall into your lap but, it’s still up to you to take it.” He emphasized the importance of seizing opportunities just like the one he seized at Johnson College and the ones he’s had at Neiman Marcus.

For more information on our Logistics & Supply Chain Management degree, please click here.

Grant Awarded from Appalachian Regional Commission

George Kelly, NEPA Alliance Board Member; Katie Pittelli, President & CEO of Johnson College; Kurt Bauman, NEPA Alliance VP of Community & Economic Development; Congressman Matt Cartwright; Paul Macknosky, PA Department of Community and Economic Development; State Representative Marty Flynn; Jeffrey Box, NEPA Alliance President & CEO; Tracey Pratt, Johnson College Manager of Development, and Larry West, Regional Director for Senator John Blake.


On October 18th,  the Northeastern Pennsylvania Alliance (NEPA) presented Johnson College with a $76,974 Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) grant. NEPA, in coordination with Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, assisted Johnson College in preparation of the grant and recommended the project to ARC for approval. The goal of this project is to update the technical training systems that Johnson College students utilize in obtaining an educational experience that reflects the latest developments in materials, tools, machinery, equipment, methods and techniques; ultimately allowing for quicker response to industry labor needs.  The $76,974 grant, combined with $76,974 in matching funds from Johnson College, will be used to purchase 12 different “Training Systems” which guarantee the students practical experience with high-technology tools and resources that employers expect them to show proficient use of during their first professional positions in industry.  It will offset the cost of educational equipment in support of Advanced Manufacturing, Electronic Engineering, Automotive, Diesel, Electrical Construction & Maintenance, and Welding Technology programs, creating an outstanding learning experience for students.

Being ranked #10 on Forbes “Top 25 Two-Year Trade Schools: Colleges That Can Solve The Skills Gap,” this grant opportunity helps ensure Johnson College students have the opportunity to master the skills needed to enter high priority occupations in the ARC region in a way that meets the most current industry standards and provides a family sustaining wage. Congressman Matt Cartwright commended Johnson College on its recent Forbes ranking by mentioning how the institution is contributing to a large issue that he discusses often with business owners in Pennsylvania, “not enough skilled workers.”

President Katie Pittelli commented, “Not only has the economy become increasingly dependent on STEM jobs, but the students of today have become more cognizant of the investment in a post-secondary degree. Technical education is the right investment for Pennsylvanians who are ready to get to work to earn a family-sustaining wage.”

She also explained, “This grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission has so many positive implications for the programs it supports. Equipment is a major expense for technical colleges because it is critical that students learn on industry standard equipment that mirrors what they will use during their internships and on the job as new technicians. Equipment in the classroom should not only mirror equipment of today, but institutions are always considering technology and learning tools to prepare them for the future as well. Industry depends on us for this.”

About NEPA:

The NEPA Alliance, a regional community and economic development agency, serves the seven counties of Northeastern Pennsylvania including Carbon, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Pike, Schuylkill and Wayne. NEPA Alliance services include Business Financing, Government Contracting Assistance, International Trade Assistance, Nonprofit Assistance, Transportation Planning, Research and Information, and Local Government Services. For more information about NEPA visit www.nepa-alliance.org or call 866-758-1929.  “This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.”

About ARC:

The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) is a regional economic development agency that represents a partnership of federal, state, and local government. Established by an act of Congress in 1965, ARC is composed of the governors of the 13 Appalachian states and a federal co-chair, who is appointed by the president. Local participation is provided through multi-county local development districts. ARC’s mission is to innovate, partner, and invest to build community capacity and strengthen economic growth in Appalachia.