Johnson College Announces $5 Million Comprehensive Capital Campaign for Campus Enhancements

Johnson College publicly launched its new, $5 million comprehensive, five-year capital campaign, “Innovation at Work,” during a community kickoff event on Wednesday, June 8, where it revealed plans for major campus-wide projects.

The “Innovation at Work” campaign consists of four components that will create an environment for growth and success: the construction of a new gateway building, which will become the official entrance to the campus and include new lab and classroom space; the expansion of Woolworth Hall which houses on-campus lab space for programs including Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning and Electrical Construction Technology; the creation of a Transportation Education Center; and support of the College’s Annual Fund and student scholarships.

A crucial catalyst for the “Innovation at Work” campaign is a $1 million contribution from Ideal T. Saldi, a Johnson College alum from the class of 1949, and his wife, Frances Saldi, alongside other funders who have invested in the College. The Saldis’ gift, announced in April before the college community, is the largest gift from a Johnson College alum to date and will have a lasting impact on the school, and its students. To honor this gift, the new, state-of-the-art gateway building will be named Ideal Saldi Hall.

“At the heart of this campaign is our students. It is focused on helping them be successful,” President and CEO, Dr. Katie Pittelli said. “We strive to carry forward Orlando S. Johnson’s vision of providing a trade school to the region where young men and women can learn useful trades that will enable them to make an honorable living and become contributing members of society.”

As the world of technology continues to change rapidly, Johnson College must change with it. The College’s facilities must remain in sync with industry as new technologies, emerging fields of study, and more sophisticated equipment modernize how the world does business. 

Dave Boniello, president of Simplex Homes, Johnson College Alum from the class of 1984, former Johnson College Chair of the Board of Directors, and chair of the “Innovation at Work” Capital Campaign, announced that during the campaign’s silent phase, the College has already raised 75% of its $5 million-dollar goal thanks to loyal and generous donors from the community. After noting his personal pledge to support the campaign, Boniello asked the Johnson College community to join him in participating in the school’s most comprehensive capital campaign thus far.

“If you have an opportunity to support Johnson College and its students, through the “Innovation at Work” campaign, your gift will have a tremendous and lasting impact on our students, employers, and the region. Together, We Work!” said Boniello.  

For more information about Johnson College’s comprehensive, 5-year capital campaign, “Innovation at Work,” visit

Photo Caption: Johnson College publicly launched its new, $5 million comprehensive, five-year capital campaign, “Innovation at Work,” during a community kickoff event on Wednesday, June 8, revealing plans for major campus-wide projects. One of the four projects announced is the construction of Ideal Saldi Hall. Dr. Katie Pittelli, President & CEO of Johnson College, and Mr. Dave Boniello ’84, President of Simplex Homes and chair of the “Innovation at Work” Capital Campaign, stand in front of a rendering of Ideal Saldi Hall. For more information about Johnson College’s comprehensive, 5-year capital campaign, “Innovation at Work,” visit